About The book: Empowerment for the middle years
The woman:
She sacrificed career on the ‘family alter’
The man isn’t paying the usual attention. Her good looks aren’t holding on. She seems to be outliving her purpose as Mom. In fact, many or all of the evidences of her self-worth are topping like a house of cards. here’s the need for ‘new power’, redirection, reassertion for the woman in her middle years.
The man:
Going to school has not delivered all it promised. Achievements have not matched up with dreams. There’s increased demand by growing children and ageing parents.
competitions, mergers and acquisitions, downsizing , have led to job loss and early retirement.
As you pull yourself by your booth strings and take command off your life, you sure need ‘new energy’
Here’s a book for every 40+ for someone, who must win against the odds, make a mark, make a new statement in the second half of life

About the book
The midlife man is overloaded, not so much his making as natural circumstances. But what he makes of these circumstances will spell to a large extent whether he drowns or survives.
Unless you die first, one morning you’ll wake up and your age begins with 4 or 5. What we are saying is all is not yet lost. At midlife your horizons are still so bright.
This is a man’s workbook on how to survive the middle years and hit the finish line a SURVIVOR! Buy Now

About this book
Many woman have arrived midlife without the faintest idea about this transitional phase- No wonder it became a crisis!
Are you aware that midlife brings marked changes in:
Your body’s anatomy and physiology
Your marital Experience
your relationships with your spouse, children and others.
This book has attempted to inform you and suggests ways to handle this phase of life.
It’s a must read for every female, 35 years and above.

About the book
This is a book about change. Every decade of your marital experience brings about significant changes. Change in physical conditions, energy level etc.
The shocking discovery we made is that many are not aware of these changes and they are still armed with the same old implement trying to confront changes they have come across at their new station in life.
In this volume, we have tried to highlight some changes you must appreciate on your “marriage journey” and how in the face of the Odds you can still emerge a winner” stoking the Fire is a must read for every marriage five years and upward.

About the book
Mid-life is very much like being in the middle of a marathon. This is where people become tired and discouraged and give up hope
Midlife is either a smooth transition or a crisis. For most, it is crisis.
We have discussed on the reasons for the crisis: ” The aging body ” menopause and Andropause” Marriage dissatisfaction, Early retirement, Unfulfilled dreams, etc. And also the reactions these reasons have affected in both men and women: The affair running away, “divorce etc
In the second half of life, we can re articulate our dreams and purpose for living. For the game of life is lost or won only in the second half. Life they say begins at forty. Buy now

About the book
Midlife is a country with indistinct borders. It is a landscape marked by the absence of both youth and old age. When I listen to many people reflect during midlife, one question particularly emerges, What have i done with the opportunities and gifts God gave me? A woman may be experiencing conflicts between her dreams of how she though life would be and the reality of what is actually happening. Many women have been throw in despair as the changes of midlife forces itself on them.
This book is about facing the challenges of midlife. reiterating your purpose for existences, it’s abut how you can start over in the second half of life. It’s about the survivability of the midlife woman